Enough is Enough! Netanyahu – Resign!

Following the prime minister’s indictment, it should be clear to all: Enough is enough. Netanyahu must resign. A prime minister can not continue to function as such under an indictment. Netanyahu himself once said: “A prime minister who is submersed in investigations has got no public and no moral mandate”. If this is valid for…

Immunity from Prosecution? We say NO.

When being indicted, an ordinary citizen arrives at the Court and tries to prove his/her innocence. This is how Netanyahu must act. In no way should he use his special status as a politician in order to evade trial. His very asking for immunity raises severe questions regarding his own trust in his own arguments.…

Corruption? Not in my homeland. SUPPORT US

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel (MQG), has been defending the democratic ethos in Israel for over 28 years as an independent, non-partisan, grass roots, non-profit association. With tens of thousands of members and growing, MQG has evolved into one of Israel’s largest and most effective public interest organizations. On behalf of all Israel’s…